Lone Star BMW Riders Hamburger Cookout
Post date: Sep 14, 2012 7:31:55 PM
Come Join us in Sulphur, OK at the Chickasaw National Recreation Area for a hamburger cookout. We'll do the cooking, just pick out a great route and bring your friends. The cost will be a $7 donation. RSVP via our registration so we can be prepared for the number of guests. Click here to see who has registered so far.
We will also be offering a ride from Frisco, TX to Sulphur. It will be a route that will zig zag up to the cookout. It will involve only a few one lane roads at slower speeds and some farm-to-market roads that will be quicker. However, we encourage you to be creative and plan your own route if you choose. This is a great opportunity to get out with a couple of your friends and enjoy the day. Also, we will break-up the group as needed to make it comfortable for everyone. In fact, we will have several ride leaders that will take groups as needed. We will have a faster group, medium paced group, and a slow group. If you have any special requirements for the group ride, then please express those to one of the ride committee members so we can help make the ride more enjoyable.
The group ride will DEPART Frisco at 8 am. We will meet previous to 8 am (it is suggested that you be there by 7:30 am) and coordinate in groups based on the speed you want to travel. We will meet and depart from the Market Street Convenience Store at the intersection of Dallas North Tollway & El Dorado in Frisco.
The Dual-Sport ride will also depart Frisco at 8 am from the same convenience store at Market Street.
We will depart in order of fastest group to slowest group.
The hamburger cookout will be in the Bromide Pavilion area near the 12th street entrance to the park. Just look for the friendly faces.
We plan on stopping for Fried Pies on the way to Sulphur (except for the dual sport group). Click here for details
Pictures of Hamburger Cookout 2011
Pictures of Hamburger Cookout 2010
Click here to see who has registered
Please note: We do "not" recommend riding your bike through the water crossing at the park. It is not necessary to cross the water and we suspect moss at the bottom of the water. Please be safe. Also, the park is alcohol free, so please don't bring alcoholic beverages.
Our permit that we will have to have on display at the event
Click here for the GPS route (paved) for the trip from Frisco to Sulphur
Click here for the GPS route (non-paved) for the Dual-Sport trail from Frisco to Sulphur
Cook it, they will come.
Rick, I'm cool, just my shirt is cockeyed
Scott, Charles, and Travis (my bike is faster than your bike)
I've got to get some money out, these guys deserve it.
Who's wearing short shorts? And, why?
No, that is "not" an oil spot under that BMW
If we could just get some food out here.
Rex and ?
Bob and Barry (come on Bob, take your job more serious)
Terri Baker (we'll teach you to make faces while the camera is rolling)
Pat Blewett (KY) and Steve Aikens (NM) Come up for air Steve, there's plenty of time.
Mustard for Bobby
Betsy Young looking cute, but ready to ride.
Jack (OK), Jim (OK), B.B (MS)., Dennis (IA), Bo (TX) It looks like Dennis is fixin to tell a big one.
Sandy & Jack Shoalmire (rest in peace)
Jack, Jim, B.B., Dennis, Wayne