Harvest Classic - October 19-21, 2012
Post date: Sep 10, 2012 3:21:32 PM
Posted by David Adams
Don't know if anyone is interested in attending this rally but I thought I would post it and see if there is any interest. The Harvest Classic is an antique bike rally that is held in Luckenbach every year in October. This year it is being held the weekend after the Texas Gathering.(October 19-21) I have been wanting to attend this rally for several years but something always comes up. This year if the weather holds up I think I will finally be able to attend it.
The rally starts on Friday and finishes up on Sunday am. The main day is on Saturday when they have the bike show. You can get day passes for Sat for $10 at the rally. Full registration is $30 which includes two nights camping, BBQ dinner,concert and movie Saturday night along with full access to the rally for all 3 days. There are no shower facilities at the rally campground but they will have port o potti's setup.
My plans are to ride down Friday and tent camp Friday and Saturday night at Lady Bird Johnson Municipal park in Fredericksburg and come home Sunday am The campground is located 3 miles south of Fredericksburg on Highway 16. Camping is $10 per night and they have showers and restrooms there. I called today and the camp host said that for tent camping you didn't need reservations as they had plenty of room. There is also camping at the Armadillo village which is about a 1/4 north of Luckenbach (they do have showers facilities there) and also the KOA campground at 290. The KOA is ridiculously expensive for tent camping and the Armadillo campground is a little too close to the rally for my tastes. Lady Bird Johnson Muncipal park is mostly an RV park and so it has good facilities but is still convenient to the rally and it should be quiet at night.
The weather at that time of year should be nice for camping under the stars as long as it is not raining. So with that being said if anyone is interested in going then let me know and we can hook up for the ride down and back home.